Thursday, April 21, 2011

A thank you to good breeders.

Lets just say I had a long long night at work and made a very "special" friend.

Now lets begin.

I want to say thank you to all of the good breeders out there that realise that sometimes whelping doesn't go as planned. I thank you for having the forsight to think ahead and PLAN for the unexpected. I thank you for being thoughtful enough to be financially responsible for your endever in breeding. I thank you for being intelligent in your breeding practices to not breed a HUGE dog to a small bitch and think that everything will go smoothly every time. I thank you for breeding dogs for the love of the breed, not because you just happen to have a boy and a girl dog and want to see the miracle of child birth. The miracle of child birth can be seen on TLC all throughout the day and it's much cheaper.
I thank the breeders who understand that Veterinary medicine, especially Emergency, is a buisness and services rendered equals payment. I thank those who do not get upset at the person on the other end of the phone when they have been walked through the entire labor process and when are told that ok now we have an emergency, they don't go BONKERS and loose their heads.
I thank the good breeders, who have done their research and know what to expect and know what could inevitably happen and plan for it. I thank those of you who do not spend all night talking to the Emergency attendant about things that have nothing to do with the dog in labor who needs a c-section. I thank those of you who when they do call do not put me on speaker phone with the entire room, it's just very irritating. I thank those of you who understand that yes you can tell the sexes of the puppies the moment they are born. The penis and vagina do not magically appear days after birth. ( I hit my head on a wall for that one).

And last but not least.
I thank you all for breeding for quality not quantity.

Alright I'll stop ranting now.
I am waiting for my 3rd call tonight though about a dystocia as last night I had two!

1 comment:

Carolyn Cannon said...

I don't envy you your job. Whelping is harrowing when It's your bitch and you've done it many times.

Trying to offer support over the phone is difficult at best.

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Thoughts of a twenty something woman on her husband, her dogs and cat.
