Saturday, December 1, 2007

First Snow

So the weather man has been talking all week about snow. Well it finally hit, the little trace that we got the dogs very much enjoyed. They were out in it for a while frolicking and bouncing around. Jasmine was trying to eat it as it fell. She was not very pleased when the ducks, aka evils, showed up to try and crash her party but she didn't let them. She was very adamant about them not coming on the lawn. Silly girl.

This was the first time Razzie has been with us when it has snowed. I didn't know what she'd do, or whether or not she'd even want to go outside in the cold, she gets a little stiff in cold weather. She showed us that snow and cold weather don't faze her and she can play just like a pup. She kept trying to sniff the snow and got it up her nose quite a few times and then all you heard was corgi sneezes.

Tonight the snow is continuing to fall, almost 1/4 inch now and I don't think it's going to stop any time soon. The Corgwn should have a great Sunday running in the snow if this keeps up.

Friday, November 23, 2007

The importance of Thyroid testing.

We've had Razzie now for almost a year but we were still having some "aggression " issues with her and I was beginning to think that we were never going to be able to leave them alone without the fear of coming home to some bloodshed. Training was helping, NILIF rules were helping, but still every now and then we'd have a little spat and I couldn't trust Razzie with other dogs. I was beginning to think this was the way life for us was going to be.
I asked the Vets at work and they recommended various things from training to puppy Prozac etc, rechecking her thyroid (since she's already on thyroid meds.) to make sure she's at a good level. Well I decided to recheck her thyroid since it was a good start and it was over 6months since she was last rechecked. Well it turned out that her level was too low and she needed her meds upped. Well those of you with dogs with low thyroid levels know that they can be quiet moody and unpredictable.
I have had her medication changed for a little over 1 month and she is acting like a normal dog ( for the most part) and has even started playing. Maybe it's just coincidence or the medication but I personally don't care, I'm just happy that she can play with Jasmine and other dogs now without always trying to fight with them. Hopefully she will become a normal stable dog with a little more time and effort.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Great Agility Equipment for Corgi's

So I took a little trip to Ikea today and as I'm walking past the kiddy section I see something I have been searching for for a long time. A little inexpensive kiddy tunnel! It's the perfect size for Corgi's and I won't feel bad if they destroy it. I spent a whopping 18 bucks on it and it's perfect!My home made agilty course is now one step closer to being complete. Even the ol' girl is trotting through it. Jasmine on the other hand is flying through the thing each time she sees it opened up. Silly girl.

About Me

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Thoughts of a twenty something woman on her husband, her dogs and cat.
