Friday, March 25, 2011


Just passing the word along for two corgis that need new forever homes. The first one posted above is a male corgi in the Marion County Dog Shelter.

It has also come to my attention that there is someone on Craigslist trying to rehome a Pemi in a Cart. If anyone knows anyone who would be willing to take in this 3 year old please contact the person @ 208-964-4278. She comes with all her stuff, cart included. The add does not state whether or not she is a DM dog or an IVDD (intravertable disk disease) dog. Although she is free to the right home.


penni said...

If she is only three, it's not DM. She is probably an IVDD dog. So sad that people can't make time in their lives for the dogs they chose.

Carolyn Cannon said...

But having been there I have a great deal of compassion. Dealing with a young IVDD dog with years and years ahead in a cart is a mind-boggling reponsibiity. I know, as Juneau was just short of 5 when he went down.

The dog may be incontinent. They may have stairs.

But foisting the problem off on another is not the right thing to do either.

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Thoughts of a twenty something woman on her husband, her dogs and cat.
