Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Dag @ 6 months

So I know Keith and Jo have wanted to see some updated pictures of Dag so here they are. The first ones are from today at work. They are not the best pictures of him due to them being a little at an angle but he was good for them. The second set are on Facebook and are from him at 5 1/2 months. He is a little stretched and one is a little blurry but taking pictures by yourself is a little hard :)
I did post new videos of him gaiting, they are from 3-16-11 and today.
Today's videos
There are also some fun videos of what the dogs do when we get home from work. People ask me why it takes me two hours to get to sleep at home... it's because the corgis are Frapping for two hours!
I love having slow nights at work so I get plenty of time to play with the poopies.

Facebook link for 5 1/2 month pictures.

I am so glad to see Bode and the rest of the gang growing up so nicely. Keith, Jo, Carolyn and Mandy you all have outdone yourselves.


Storm Ridge Cardigans said...

thank you so much for the updates. Dag is looking great and the video of him as speed racer we knew very well.

Carolyn Cannon said...

My, what big ears you have.

Dag's in the gangly-puppy stage like his sister, but he will come together. You're doing fine with the gaiting and stacking.

What does he weigh? He looks like maybe he could put on a couple of pounds but it's not real easy to tell without feeling him.

Brittany said...

In the first pictures/video he was about 22# definately a little gangly as he was having an akward growth spurt. Longer but not heavier.Now he's around 26# and still gaining daily. He's filling out the newly aquired length. I have upped his food to keep up with his appetite and weight gain. I expect him to surpass Jasmine any day.

It's strange cause I'm putting weight on him and taking some off of Jasmine for Agility, she weighs 33#! Her agility weight is normally around 28#. I looked at one of my vets like she was crazy when she told me that Jasmine needed to put on weight... um she's 33# NO SHE DOES NOT, especially going in agility.

Dag is entered at the Olympia Dog Fanciers in May so we'll see how he does. He's been doing great out in the real world, learning not to woof at people :) and letting all strangers pet him while stackedish. I think he'll do as good as can be expected for a 6month old.

About Me

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Thoughts of a twenty something woman on her husband, her dogs and cat.
